## steps
I'm using protobuf like this:
PB.protoSources in Compile := Seq((baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value / "proto")
watchSources ++= (PB.protoSources in Compile).value
Currently the generated *.orion.pb.go file needs to be placed as a sibling to the generated protobufs, because the orion file references an unexported variable:
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. svn co http://protobuf.googlecode.com/svn/tags/2.4.1 protobuf or as
suggested by one of the member I also tried: `wget
## Issue
While navigating to on *very* old Safari on iOS versions, the PMTiles demo page does not work.
### Background
While randomly testing one of the [National Park Service](https://nps.g…
le.tomer@gmail.com - Tom Light
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create the lua protobuf files with
### Proposal
I'm attempting to record an interaction with a gRPC server, I've setup the server with the required descriptor files, but I'm seeing a crash when running in record mode:
**Logstash information**:
Please include the following information:
1. Logstash version (e.g. `bin/logstash --version`)
2. Logstash installation source (e.g. built from source, with a packa…
In this commit: https://github.com/bufbuild/protovalidate-java/commit/265d6891cc1702e5c452c96146b846da5320f145
how did we build these files?
I am trying to downgrade proto to 3.19.1, but these fil…
Have a standard script/forumula for running the benchmark.
Repos files for each configuration
Standard table for how long sensor_msgs package takes to build, and how long overall build of up to …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. svn co http://protobuf.googlecode.com/svn/tags/2.4.1 protobuf or as
suggested by one of the member I also tried: `wget