Hello, roytseng
I was just using your framwork to train my model for coco dataset.
I convert my data to coco format and it's working most of time.
Also I meet some problems during this period.
File "example_ocr.py", line 12, in
from lib.networks.factory import get_network
File "/home/mlp/ai/ocr/text-detection-ctpn-master/lib/__init__.py", line 1, in
from . import fast_rcnn
xxllp updated
4 years ago
File "ctpn/demo.py", line 8, in
from lib.networks.factory import get_network
File "/home/junjie/share/mobilenet/text-detection-ctpn/lib/__init__.py", line 1, in
from . import fast_rcnn
Hi, when i run the generate_tsv.py, i meet the following problem
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./tools/generate_tsv.py", line 26, in
from fast_rcnn.test import im_detect,_get_bl…
- keras: 2.2.4
- python: 3.5.2
- tensorflow: 1.12.0
When I train the model with muti-gpu, I meet the `No device assignments were active during op 'anchors/Variable' creation.` problem:
Hello,thanks for your work!
I have the question that I want to train the DOTA dataset in specific image-scale like 768*768 and some classes like plane or storage tank which is splitted by the DOTA-d…
I'm getting make errors when I run 'make all'.
目前我正在复现将mask rcnn的主干网络修改成swin_T,但是我想在FPN中加入一些注意力机制,我这个时候怎么用这个mask-rcnn_swin-t-p4-w7_fpn_amp-ms-crop-3x_coco.pth权重文件呢? 具体使用方法可以告知一下嘛 谢谢!!!!!!!!
fdy61 updated
4 months ago
I tried to run the code as follows
1. I only installed tensorflow-gpu and ran the code as
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 ./experiments/scripts/faster_rcnn_end2end.sh GPU 3 VGG16 pascal_voc