Given that Dynamo unlike Grasshopper doesn't inform you of what custom nodes are missing when you open the definition, it would be nice to include all of the custom nodes in Hydra export. How? The DYN…
## Dynamo version
## Revit version
## Operating system
Win 10
## What did you do?
Used Python node + Revit API to add new points to a floor. XYZ were created in the script…
Could you add a material input to DirectShape.ByGeometry? (like the ootb DirectShape node)
Room.Boundary not work in 2017 due to api changes
See this thread on dynamo forum: https://forum.dynamobim.com/t/revit-2017-room-boundaries/5456/3
eibre updated
8 years ago
- Show Badge for type (method/property,etc)
- Include Link for related article, parent
- Consider Browser History so user can return to search results.
I realize that the code will be clean and implemented properly, but apart from this what are the other benefits of the new Honeybee?
I understand that with the old Honeybee al…
Using this plugin always leading to following error in GitLab CI:
> Liquid Exception: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII in _layouts/redirect.html
GemFile Contains:
> gem 'jekyll-redirect-from…
I am not missing any references but I am getting this error:
Hey Andy,
I was doing some stuff with Wall.Orientation and realized that it doesn't work well for curved walls. It returns some strange results instead of what I was expecting a line that is perpendi…