Saving the API key currently requires the user install ```ggmap``` and save the key to their Renv. It would be convenient if the API key could be saved to the Renv from within ```refsplitr``` to avoid…
The R help system has capabilities for rich HTML content, dynamic content generation wiht `Sexpr{}`, and a mechanism for extensions via macro, but these are rarely used. Yet the help pages pages are t…
Would you consider allowing users to specify the use of the help pages at https://search.r-project.org as opposed to https://rdrr.io/ (or perhaps any arbitrary alternative)?
E.g. it would be nice i…
# Leyendo muchos archivos markdown de varias carpetas y extrayendo datos de su YAML | Yanina Bellini Saibene
Here an example:
r_ver = "bleeding_edge",
r_pkgs = c("tidyverse", "digest", "bench"),
git_pkgs = list(list(package_name = "uwu", repo_url = "https://github.com/JosiahParry/u…
Would be extra-useful for Asteraceae and Fabaceae and other big families.
But not sure what the right source is to get this information for the whole set of global genera.
currently used open API can cause timeouts etc.
There are a lot of librdf errors in the build log when building the [redland docs site](https://docs.ropensci.org/redland).
-- Building function reference -------------------------------------…
I am using `workflowr` inside a [`targets`](https://books.ropensci.org/targets/) (@wlandau) project and I am trying to take advantage of the convenient `tar_render` function from `targets`. As far as …
Hi there, nice initiative :-)
I have a two suggestions for reproducibility:
1. use packrat to manage package dependencies and snapshot package versions/source: see [here](https://rstudio.github.io/…