#### Problem
A node running `master` (commit 94aa9e568a04cf66fadd05275c5b9728ea6b55d1) against mainnet was found to have a consensus failure; this occurred in slot `111883235`:
#### Problem
The QoS Service selects + updates the cost model before building a batch, resulting in an overestimate of compute units: https://github.com/solana-labs/solana/blob/f67a27eee/core/src/ban…
Hello aurora team!
I seem to have some issues when I try to run some projects with aurora other than mruby.
The tracing output was like this:
python3 tracing.py /home/inspur/Desktop/aurora-mas…
dhbbb updated
2 years ago
What would be involved in exposing [`UsageRecord`](https://stripe.com/docs/api/usage_records). I can see that it is already included in the generated code (as mentioned in https://github.com/arlyon/as…
testnet.solana.com (`tv`) started generating invalid snapshots sometime recently. Meanwhile `tw` is still generating valid snapshots. Both are running
$ solana --version
solana-cli 1.5.8 (src…
Há um erro de validação com o campo E-mail para clientes que tem contato no site.
Clientes que finalizam a compra como visitante, não há erros.
Our tds validator Ft5fbkqNa76vnsjYNwjDZUXoTWpP7VYm3mtsaQckQADN got stuck for about 40 minutes, from slot 56925460 to 56925591:
I0105 10:37:19.471441 1 slots.go:116] confirmed slot 569254…
Upgrade to cosmos `v0.3`, and now when trying to parse a `tx` I'm getting a signature error
This line is where the error is thrown https://github.com/andynog/cosmrs-tx-example/blob/0f25f3e00cfbff33…
Getting this error when I run `anchor test`
Translating error FetchError: request to http://localhost:8899/ failed, reason: socket hang up
at ClientRequest. (~/dev/solana_project/node_mod…
#### Problem
inflation, as specified, is split among validator rewards, storage rewards and the foundation
foundation pool/pools doesn't/don't exist yet
#### Proposed Solution
possible approache…