Great that you created this repo. Time to start planning.
There are a few things to discuss:
1. How much time does each person here have to code on a new wallabase? I will probably take +200 hours to…
s4wny updated
10 years ago
Even just a CSS file that gets added — I think it will be useful to have Sass helpers like `@include full-absolute(4px)` (yes I'm aware of inset 😛 )
I've been going over google and the issues but I can't seem to get it to work.
I opened a new .js file and it won't complete things that I could see exists in the code intel project.
I'd be glad if …
MudBlazor version 7.0.0 brings a ton of **breaking changes** which we couldn't postpone any longer as we strive for more consistency and necessary improvements. This migration guide shall make the upg…
henon updated
2 weeks ago
Created svg.d.ts file with the following contents:
declare module '*.svg' {
const content: any
export default content
Then using in a component this way:
import regist…
Hi, I'm on a clean Ubuntu 18.04 server installation.
I'v gone until step "decidim decidim-app" without errors after changing the sources.list from here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51778272/un…
I was experimenting with the library and found that there is no way to access the :hover pseudo-class nor any other pseudo-class or pseudo-element.
First I tried nested css, something like this:
Is there any reason that `.ts` and `.tsx` file extensions are not supported?
### Taro UI 版本信息
### 问题描述
如题所诉,在 VSCode、IntelliJ IDEA 等开发环境下,AtCurtain、AtNoticebar、AtList 等组件报类型错误,但可以正常预览、编译。
部分组件,如 SwiperItem、AtGrid 可正常使用不报错
### 复现步骤
1、taro init 一路…
## About theming...
I have opened this issue to talk about the actual state of theming, and how, in my opinion, we could improve it and simplify it at the same time.
### The actual state...
... i…