### Taro UI 版本信息
### 问题描述
如题所诉,在 VSCode、IntelliJ IDEA 等开发环境下,AtCurtain、AtNoticebar、AtList 等组件报类型错误,但可以正常预览、编译。
部分组件,如 SwiperItem、AtGrid 可正常使用不报错
### 复现步骤
1、taro init 一路…
Is there any reason that `.ts` and `.tsx` file extensions are not supported?
## About theming...
I have opened this issue to talk about the actual state of theming, and how, in my opinion, we could improve it and simplify it at the same time.
### The actual state...
... i…
## 團隊簡介/地點
7SENSE is a Big Data start-up looking for passionate full-stack JavaScript developers to build the customer-facing portal for our workflow software. We have a leadership team of founders t…
Hi, I 'ported' mui css to AMP:
1. Using Sass, I just comment out imports I don't use to get less than
So many Compass extensions rely upon `!default` variables in order to have user-land setup variables. This works in the following manner:
``` scss
// $setup-variable: 2 !default;
// @mixin test (cont…
# code helper bug
$ code --status
$ code-insiders --status
After running `npx shadcn@latest init`, I got the following error:
git:(main) ✗ npx shadcn@latest init
✔ Preflight checks.
✔ Verifying framework. Found Remix.
✖ Validating Tailwind CSS.
# [Frontend] Set up Testing Infrastructure with Jest and Testing Library
Set up comprehensive testing infrastructure for our React frontend application, including unit tests, component tests, and i…
### Environment
- Visual Studio version: 2022 Enterprise (ARM-64 Bit) - Current Channel
- CodeMaid version: 12.0.300
- Code language: C#
### Description
Visual Studio Information: