I'm getting the above error when trying to run the spring boot example.
I believe I have the Schema Registry set up and I've generated a schema registry key.
Here's my java.config:
service method는 비즈니스 로직을 수행해야 할텐데, 변환 작업이 public으로 선언
1. 보통 mapstruct라는 라이브러리로 처리
2. Dto에 `of` 메서드 정의
public class BoardDTO {
private Long bno;
private String title;
项目需要提供多终端支持使用,例如PC、Ipad、app等。在zuul多实例的情况下,如何share authenticationConctext?官方使用的是在zuul上实现spring-session,但是感觉这样并不是很好。而并且作者说@EnableOAuth2Sso不太适合面对多终端的情况,请问有什么好的建议处理吗?
spring boot ~~ beginning~~
**Expected Behavior**
FormLogin should be configurable to take in username and password as a predefined json object.
**Current Behavior**
FormLogin currently only accepts requests with form p…
ProxySQL Version: 2.3.1
ProxySQL-OS: Official Docker-Image running on Kubernetes
Connection from Spring-Boot-Client (2.6.7) with org.mariadb.jdbc (3.0.4)
to proxySql cannot be established.
### 🤔 What's the problem you're trying to solve?
cleaning dependencies initialized by Google Guice container.
when working with selenium it is "cheap" to close and open a new WebDriver for eve…
你了解Spring IOC么?
ERROR [qtp1670196451-332] com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.rpc.RPCReceiveRestful 72 apply - error code(错误码): 111006, error message(错误信息): Get the Yarn …