Execute the command and paste the result below.
Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole`
Linux 0da75b44bd5a 4.19.76-linuxkit #1 SMP Fri Apr 3 15:5…
Execute the command and paste the result below.
Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole`
Linux homestead 4.15.0-91-generic #92-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb …
php version: 7.4.7
os: macbook pro 10.15.5 (19F101)
[2020-06-17 16:59:16 *93899.7] ERROR php_swoole_server_rshutdown (ERRNO 503): Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: array_key_exists() expects p…
- laradock
- php 7.4.5
- laravel 7.7.1
- nginx
- php-fpm
| Component | Version |
1. Please provide your PHP and Swoole version. (`php -v` and `php --ri swoole`)
php -v && php --ri swoole
PHP 7.2.15 (cli) (built: Feb 26 2019 10:43:45) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP…
配置文件发布成功, 但是jwt类并没有使用发布成功的配置文件啊.
PHP | 7.4.5 |
Swoole | 4.5.1 |
LaravelS | 3.7.3 |
Laravel Framework [local] | 7.12.0
when run "php bin/laravels start"
it show…
Hi @waghanza,
add Yii2+Swoole in tests
+ Language : PHP
+ Repo : https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2
+ Repo : https://github.com/swoole-foundation/yii2-swoole-extension
+ Author : @qiangxue , @sa…
Execute the command and paste the result below.
Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole`
Linux f350685ef830 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri …
Execute the command and paste the result below.
Command: `uname -a && php -v && composer info | grep hyperf && php --ri swoole`
PHP 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.4 (cli) (built: Apr 8 2020 15:…
CbYip updated
4 years ago