Issue Type: Bug
❗️❗️❗️ Please fill in the sections below to help us diagnose the issue ❗️❗️❗️
**TypeScript Version:** 4.7.4
**Steps to reproduce crash**
1. I'm editing the .vue file using the 'vol…
After installing clean repo with `npm i` and changing `WindiCSS({` to `WindiCSS.defult({` (as the first one was causing errors) and then `npm run dev:spa` I've encountered below error
Sample repo: https://github.com/AlexanderReiswich/windi-daisy-test
When I add the CDN script everything works fine, but when added as a plugin the order of classes gets messed up. For example:
I found that the extract result has a little bit different between `windicss cli` and `windicss-webpack-plugin`. And I think the default behavior in `@windicss/plugin-utils` result in such different. …
注:该文撰写于 2021 年 11 月 25 日,因此有部分表述和方案已经过时,仅留做参考。
## 1 预热
### 1.1 HMR(模块热替换)
最早听到 [HMR](https://webpack.js.org/concepts/hot-module-replacement/) 这个词,是在使用前端构建工具 [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/)…
### Describe the bug
When spreading and there's a custom-attribute in $$restProps or $$props, Svelte treats it as a Boolean Attribute, but it sets the value of the attribute to "true", which is again…
**Describe the bug**
I have a __layout.svelte (1) in the root of route directory. I have another __layout.svelte (2) more specific in a internal route. So, when I click in a link to a route that n…
### Describe the problem and solution
Tailwind CSS를 이용해 일관되고 쉽게 UI 스타일을 적용합니다.
Windi CSS와 UnoCSS 같은 대안도 있지만, 커뮤니티가 가장 큰 Tailwind를 대신해 사용할 만큼 기능이 다른 것 같진 않아 Tailwind로 정했습니다.
### Validations
Heya, just did a fresh install, and simply doing `npm run dev` on my basic Tailwind Solid Template app with an `import { Select } from '@thisbeyond/solid-select';` gets me:
[vite] Internal se…
The new colors from v34 are not in the docs: https://windicss.org/posts/v34.html
- slate
- zinc
- neutral
- stone
Also, seems `gray-900` is not `18181b` as the current docs say as it was repl…