- http://www.samhsa.gov/data/report/2015-2016-nsduh-state-estimates-individual-excel-and-csv-files-outcome
- https://world.openfoodfacts.org/data
- https://github.com/turalus/encycloDB/tree/master/C…
From Leo:
I am not sure about how the platform reads the rise score, but the page that it links to states that the rise score for Somalia is 15, while our platform states 4. Can this be updated?
The URL (https://github.com/worldbank/dime-standards/blob/master/dime-research-standards/pillar-4-data-security/data-security-resources/dime-data-nda.md) needs to be added to line 159 of ch020.xhtml a…
Possibly related to the [other issue](https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/WDI/issues/37):
> x = WDIbulk()
trying URL 'https://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/WDI_csv.zip'
Content type…
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The follow…
## 🚀 Feature
National ID's play a key role in identifying individuals throughout different countries as they used to uniquely identify people.
## Motivation
Many countries have started projects…
Zach flagged this data has been updated, can we pull the update into the DDW?
It makes sense to merge the Market_Access code from GOST_PublicGoods (https://github.com/worldbank/GOST_PublicGoods/tree/master/Market_Access) to GOSTnets. I would like to gather other peoples' though…
## 📋 Anything to add?
Forum post: (https://forum.tecommons.org/t/gravity-role-design/174)
## ⏰ Urgency/Due Date/Blockers?
## ❓ Why is it important?
## 🎉 Subtasks
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## 🤼 R…