1) When entering numbers in budget or spending limits amount, it's hard to tell if I entered 1million correctly (as an example).
Is that 100 thousand or 1 million? or 10 million?
An interface which allows easy integration of additional user applications into a custom Ahoi build would be a nice feature.
Unfortunately my knowledge of C++ is very 'minimalistic' (java ist my fa…
I'm using the most recent version of zeep.
I'm using this wsdl:
wsdl = 'https://www.marktstammdatenregister.de/MaStRAPI/wsdl/mastr.wsdl'
I'm using a query with an API ID - hence I did n…
I'm looking to find out if it's possible to recover the actions of the doorbell? by mqtt for example.
I'm not sure if it's possible.
I'm not sure if it's possible to get the rtsp stream o…
I'm trying to create my custom end point but it looks like the endpoints are hardcoded to be classess form the `Vnn\WpApiClient\Endpoint` namespace;
What's the easiest way to define a custom endpoi…
## Webpack
- Webpack 中文指南 http://zhaoda.net/webpack-handbook/index.html
- Webpack - 从初学者到大师 https://webpack-book.mrshi.me/
- Webpack 怎么用 https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000002552008 http…
We need to gather up as many of the existing collections that we have developed across developer relations, customer org, and other parts of Open Technology. When we find collections we can either add…
Because we will be invalidating all access tokens on Gitter, this means that any bots/scripts that use the Gitter API will stop working. You can prepare for the new Matrix world by adapting your code …
Could you add a function to enable errors/warnings for templates that don't use
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `olafvdspek` on 22 Jan 2011 at 2:19
In all the OAuth1 implementations, I've noticed that when you retrieve a request token, it's stored both as the request token and the access token when `parseRequestTokenResponse()` calls `parseAccess…