I have just tried to re-build my models ( first time in at least a week on this project ) and for some reason it is failing to create the models.
I currently have:
Umbraco Version: 7.14
For several months now I've been trying to solve an issue with Identity, where 30-min on the dot after signing in, I am greeted by an `Invalid Operation Exception`:
> InvalidOperationExce…
Hello, great book!!! But, I can't download these examples and run them. The exception is Project File incomplete. Expected imports are missing. I can run your code if I create a new project an…
I install visual studio 2015 update and dot net core 1 in my station (windows 10). But when i start visual studio and create default asp.net core site and run it without changing a bit , i get followi…
As it's been a while since ASP.NET MVC 4 is out and seeing that ASP.NET Web API dropped dependencies on System.Web, I'm kind of looking at evolving MvcSitemapProvider in that direction too...
vNext w…
The current JavaScript bindings rely on jQuery >1.5 to be included with the page. Since many people use different JavaScript Frameworks (e.g. dojo, extjs) it's not optimal to force people to additiona…
My Start PTMagic Monitor.cmd is showing that everything is working fine, but I can't launch the
monitor in my browser. Is there a new way other than the IP or
http://localhost:5000 now? I'm curre…
Following along with the live workshop today I attempted to run `\MonkeysApp-Workshop-master\Finish\MonkeyFinder\MonkeyFinder.Android` I received the following error. I tried cleaning, rebuilding, rel…
I would be interested in a refresh of performance analysis.
Indeed, it's not clear what zstd-1.3.7+ compression level needs to be to match 7zip default (lzma2 level 5 ?) compression within 3…
For functions 2.x, it is [requirement to explicitly register](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-triggers-bindings) any extensions aside from HTTP and Timer. I've found t…