Cognito itself does [document support](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/authorization-endpoint.html) for [PKCE](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636) on its Auth API. I see tha…
Hey, first off thanks alot for your effort. When I try to run the terminal command it gives me a link for authorization.
However when I press the link I get the following error message from google:
1. Marketplace (MP) sends connection request to the Student Information System (SIS). After acceptance from SIS administrator, a SIS will share: _students, courses, subjects
2. MP sends connection …
I'm building API using swagger and so far I created get/insert/update and delete jobs, and now I'm trying to use Oauth to secure my API
I have used
When configuring OAuth 2.0, it would be helpful to configure once per collection instead of requiring configuration on individual requests:
Auth configuration at the request level:
I check `KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\Client\OAuth2Client` line 107
` $this->provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', array_merge(['code' => $code], $options));`
There is no way to create token a…
So, ok, the x-oidc header should only be sent to endpoints that handle it, which is only `oauth/token`
And then only for grant types that is supported in the oauth service
`client_credentials`, ye…
I am using the `useGoogleLogin` for the Google sign in and it's asking me for permission every time I select the same google account.
Here is my `useGoogleLogin` code that I picked from the docs.
Trying to run this code, results in succes and retrieve of the authorization token
though, i can't access the user.
successResponse = response => {
console.log('success:', r…
ADFS 3.0 requires calls to the token endpoint to pass the client_id along with code, grant_type and redirect_uri parameters.
Can this be supported?