There are some problems in selecting ingress and loadbalancer. I can't select both, and some must have ingress
主机名 | IP | 端口
-- | -- | --
redis-1 | | 5001,5002
redis-2 | | 5003,5004
redis-3 | | 5005,5006
Redis version: 6.2.6
Harbor version: v2.3.1
**Kubernetes version:** 1.17
**Kubernetes provider:** on-prem
**Helm Version:** 3.2.4
**Describe the bug:**
- The chartmuseum helm.elastic.co cannot be proxied thru Sonatype Nexus.
If you are reporting a problem, please make sure the following information are provided:
**Expected behavior and actual behavior:**
Trying to install Harbor using minio, but the minio tenant never…
Trying the release 1.1.1 on OpenShift cluster 4.7 the harbor core pod fails,
Hi all,
I tried to delete project via api with helm chart charged on it but seems i can't
$ curl -k -X DELETE https:///api/v2.0/projects/ -u ":" | jq -r
"errors": [
How about dynamic hierarchies configuration?
If a hierarch of repository configs is flat:
├── gem.yaml
└── maven.yaml
let the layout be flat as well.
But what if config storage struct…
Rancher Version: master 08/02
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to the Global Catalog Menu
2. Add custom HTTP type helm charts server and its index.yaml for charts is using a relative path like `urls: [
CRD version -> v1beta1?
kind: filesystem # or oss, swift, gcs, azure etc.
# different spec for different storage driver
chartPersistentVolume: # Optional
#### Question
I try to use mesh gateway to connect two consul cluster, one is in VMs as an Primary Datacenter and another one in Kubernetes as an Secondary Datacenter.
In the begining, Primary …