[info] Loading project definition from /home/nico/src/nemaki/ui/project
[info] Set current project to ui (in build file:/home/nico/src/nemaki/ui/)
[info] Updating {file:/home/nico/src/nemaki/ui/}r…
What is the correct approach to share route types between pages that share a common dynamic path? All my paths are prefix with `tenantId` and `spaceId` and I think it would make sense to to `import { …
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
There are several UI enhancements that would be worth to have in ultra.
For instance, many existing PRs done by @parttimenerd are basic stuffs that we really need to have in Firefox Profiler to mak…
Part of #15558
This component would be the Base-UI-DX component to edit day, month and year for a single date.
It would the fundation for ``, `` and `` on the MUI X version.
## Basic examples
I did run it through a JSON checker, which didn't reveal any errors. Suggestions?
"version": 2,
"templates": [
"name": "Development Tasks",
"tasks": [
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…
A test failed on a tracked branch
Error: timed out waiting for logout button visible
at onFailure (/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/kb-n2-4-spot-3182958df9f70225/elastic/kibana-on-merge/kibana…
## Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot
Dear adapter developer,
I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I h…