Dr. Memory internal crash at PC 0x7af7d99b
Program runs perfectly from command line and from within CLion environment.
drmemory -ignore_kernel D:\dev-attic\JSHEET02-C\…
On Ubuntu 14.04.2 on VirtualBox a user reported this:
anon@anon-VirtualBox:~/Desktop$ ~/DrMemory-Linux-1.9.0-RC1B/dynamorio/bin32/drrun -debug -- ./hello.out
Hello world
Floating point …
In 64-bit mode
dr_insert_clean_call(drcontext, ilist, where, (void *)clean_call_mem,
false, 3,
Thu, September 19, 2013, 9am – 10am
_From [derek.br...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/117968039472581148324/) on February 24, 2009 14:35:01_
this was PR 200414
we'll want to add an event for faults occurring in DR or client code…
_From [bruen...@google.com](https://code.google.com/u/109494838902877177630/) on September 17, 2012 15:04:57_
split from issue #565 # grep pdb ntdll.dll/6.2.9200.16384-wow64/syscalls | grep -v Zw | a…
_From [zhao...@google.com](https://code.google.com/u/106321947286816917100/) on August 25, 2013 00:00:40_
For client with code like below
dst = instr_get_dst(instr, 0);
src = instr_ge…
`dr_insert_cbr_instrumentation` and `dr_insert_cbr_instrumentation_ex` are not yet implemented on ARM & AArch64.
fhahn updated
6 years ago
I'm running the latest DynamoRIO cronbuild, on Windows 10. I'm instrumenting a 64-bit Windows 10 application via `drrun`, using `-client_lib` to pass my DR client (which is built as a `dll`).
First, drreg fails to properly identify DR spill slots, b/c it assumes the
TLS slots are ordered low to high.
Second, when that bug is fixed, it leads to restoring regs it wasn't before
(b/c it t…