Getting this warning:
"Something you did caused a view to re-render after it rendered but before it was inserted into the DOM. Because this is avoidable and the cause of significant performance issue…
I've recently run into a case where view rendering crashed due to the way ember-i18n observed a binding. My console showed a "elem is undefined" error, referring to the result of the view.$('#'+elemen…
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I'm not familiar with Rake but i'd like to help update the code for Ember 1.0
I'm on ruby-1.9.3-p362. Do I have to downgrade my ruby version?
``` bash
/Users/jethro/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p362@global/gems/sqlite3-1.3.7/lib/sqlite3/sqlite3_native.bundle: [BUG] Segmentation fault
Items I or others would like covered:
- Full tutorials for the practical section of the book. Code for both are currently available, but the dialog needs to be written around them
- More about RESTful…
Building static site I get middleman-core missing :
lsoave@ubuntu:~/rails/github/blog.gitwatcher.com$ middleman build
I was chatting to @joshk and we thought it would be nice to have some sort of summary of each branch in the repo and its latest build status, so you can see at a glance if any branches are failing.
The error described in issue #90 has reappeared in my bundler environment, but does not occur outside of it. I am including the exact gem versions from both cases in this report, below, for your debu…