**Describe the bug**
I'm unable to use any GDAL algorithm in a standalone script (QGIS 3.12.1 on Windows 10). All `processing.run(native: )` and `processing.run(saga: )` algorithms work without any p…
The GDAL tool `gdalmdimtranslate` seems to be an extended version of the `gdal_translate` tool. It is able to process files that contain multiple datasets and multi-dimensional data. It also has funct…
- [GDAL/OGR Quickstart](http://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/gdal_quickstart.html)
- [States by continent (data)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_by_con…
The build fails when building the pdal itself with error
CMake Error at source_subfolder/cmake/gdal.cmake:5 (file):
file failed to open for reading (Permission denied):
GDAL 3 requires PROJ 6, which updates the order for lat/lon coordinates in certain projections:
Under gdal 3, lat/lon should be rev…
Hello @enricofer,
I'm having and issue trying to install django-warp on a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (in VirtualBox Linux Host) update to date.
No problem installing dependencies but could not install Djang…
I'm working on the client side processing and trying to automatize the metadata extraction from netCDFs and geoTIFFs.
Currently, I'm not able to get band names from geoTIFFs generated by VITO.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\users\vbnunes\appdata\local\continuum\miniconda3\envs\vasco\lib\site-packages\fels\fels.py", line 23, in
from osgeo import gdal
FWIW, we can copy it in R with:
set_config_option("AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT", "pcstacitems")
f [1] TRUE
vsi_stat(f, "size")
#> integer64
#> [1] 16470860
It's a very common pattern that we iterate over each feature in a vector, do something with the feature's attributes and/or geometry, and write new attributes to the feature. A lot of the details of t…
emlys updated
4 months ago