1.Search for remove device (E.G:
discoveryAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener))
2. Get name of the device.
3. On widcomm stack name is null.
BlueCove version 2.0.0-b2
OS version: Wi…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Start an inquiry, e.g. discAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC,
2. At the beginning of the DiscoveryListener deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevic…
1.Search for remove device (E.G:
discoveryAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener))
2. Get name of the device.
3. On widcomm stack name is null.
BlueCove version 2.0.0-b2
OS version: Wi…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implement DiscoveryListener functions
2. LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice( );
BluetoothSearch search = new BluetoothSearch();
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implement DiscoveryListener functions
2. LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice( );
BluetoothSearch search = new BluetoothSearch();
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Start an inquiry, e.g. discAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC,
2. At the beginning of the DiscoveryListener deviceDiscovered(RemoteDevic…
1.Search for remove device (E.G:
discoveryAgent.startInquiry(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC, listener))
2. Get name of the device.
3. On widcomm stack name is null.
BlueCove version 2.0.0-b2
OS version: Wi…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implement DiscoveryListener functions
2. LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice( );
BluetoothSearch search = new BluetoothSearch();
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implement DiscoveryListener functions
2. LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice( );
BluetoothSearch search = new BluetoothSearch();
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Implement DiscoveryListener functions
2. LocalDevice device = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice( );
BluetoothSearch search = new BluetoothSearch();