I am looking forward to the precompilation in 1.9 being an enabler for julia execution in AWS lambda. But a quick test gives me a segfault that didn't occur in 1.8.
I am running on an M1 Mac, so t…
Congrats on the huge work for making Enzyme compatible with Julia 1.11!
DI's test suite manages to run much further, but it now hits a weird GC error and the process is aborted. This does not happen …
As https://julialang.slack.com/archives/C6SMTHQ3T/p1689545747131449?thread_ts=1689532414.892409&cid=C6SMTHQ3T suggests. Does this package has any plan for making pypi distribution of developed package…
In Julia language, it support to typing those latex symbols and convert it to the relative unicode font. I found som…
[15] signal 11 (128): Segmentation fault
in expression starting at /home/pkgeval…
Hi, thank you for the package.
Someone mentionned your package:
I was wondering if you would be able to provide a simple e…
I did a search on https://github.com/search?q=ArchGDAL and there's a growing usage of this package that makes it increasingly urgent for us to fix bugs, have a good API and user-friendly documentation…
As suggested by @wsmoses [1] I am adding here the code for executing my kernels where compilation takes a long time. there are two kernels - first takes around 15 minutes, second 54 minutes (earlier …
The `to_indices` docs state that:
> The returned tuple must only contain either Ints or AbstractArrays of scalar indices that are supported by array A
But `StaticIndexing` is not either:
Just like LU in JuliaSparse/SparseArrays.jl#131, we also need these:
- [ ] cholesky(a')
- [ ] ldlt(a')
- [ ] det(a')
- [ ] inv(a')
- [ ] qr(a') works, but we should verify it is not taking a sl…