I want to run pose2sim on some of my videos. I performed 2D pose estimation step. After that it says camera calibration, I'm not sure how to do this step ? Do we need cameras or just photos …
Thanks for sharing your excellent research. I wonder whether this method can infer in the 2d custom video or images. if yes, please offer some instructions. @salvetjx @damienreyt @mourotlucas
Hello again, I'm Candy! Now I meet some problems in code and hope you can give me some methods to solve it.
These days, I am trying a new keypoints model (eg. openpose contains 18 keypoints), now I…
Hi @kbrodt ! Thank you for your great work!
I'm really interested in this topic and can't wait to explore more about it. So I'm wondering will you release the training part of your model recently?
Hi, I am new to mmpose. I pre-processed mpi-inf-3dhp dataset and trained_video_pose lift model for 3d body keypoint estimation.
I used videopose3d_mpi-inf-3dhp_1frame_fullconv_supervised_gt.py as my…
Hello, before you releasing this official code, I tried to code this algorithm by myself but the performance is not good. It will be very useful if you could provide evaluation code relates to MPJPE, …
I have tried the model (both your and my trained model) on [highway scene](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JJIlX2UCWgGvUj2olmlYbRtvWZvJt4qh?usp=sharing) (1 from the testing set and the other f…
Hi @SeanChenxy ,
I am adopting the MobRecon network to train my custom model. As a basic step, I try to train MobRecon without using pre-trained `densestack.pth`, however the validation pampjpe is…
Loading dataset (0)......
You are loading the [training set] of dataset [h36m]
You are using pose esimator [fcn]
The type of the data …
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### Issue Type
Feature Request
### Source
### Tensorflow Version
pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift', '~> 0.0.1-nightly', :subspecs => ['CoreML', 'Metal']
### Custom Code