Hello, I'm using div markers with angular bindings but they aren't compiled by angular so the binding doesn't work. So far the only way a I have found to make work the binding is to listen to the `lea…
Moving a marker (updating it's lat or lng property), doesn't **move** it, but **destroys and recreates** it on the new location, closing any popup in the process.
angular.extend($scope, {
Turning on Google Hybrid via
googleHybrid: {
name: 'Google Hybrid',
layerType: 'HYBRID',
type: 'google'
results in the following 404 errors
. GET http://khm1.googleapis.com/…
Current bower.json:
"angular-leaflet-directive": "^0.7.10",
Pull a newer version (ie just build now that a 0.8+ is available) and hover/click events on the map don't work. Best I can tell t…
So I've had time to get back into my Leaflet/Angular project and pretty much have everything working with the latest version of this directive. The one issue though is that map events aren't broadcast…
Version: 0.7.15
Normally when a popup is opened, the map is scrolled so the popup is fully visible (see [autoPan](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#popup-autopan]))
This functionally does not work …
Using bower?
This concerns the calling code of the leaflet directive inside of the `link` method around line 71. The code calls the `setTiles` method of the `leafletData` service. It does not pass the mapId though…
I did some tests working with Angular Leaflet and it works good. However I am someone that has to work with a different projection (EPSG:28992) then Leaflet supports out of the box.
I have to use the…
I installed via bower, and the version of angular-leaflet-directive.min.js seems to not match that which comes along in the bower config file. For example, I install and I see in bower.json