bastille% ./Configure.pl --has-libtommath --cc=clang
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Updating submodules .................................... OK
Configuring native build environment ................... …
Submitted by: Dilyan Palauzov (dpa-firebirdsql_aegee.org)
Running \./configure r…
# pwd
# perl Configure.pl --has-libffi --prefix /opt/raku
Welcome to MoarVM!
Configuring native build environment ...................
trying to compile a simple…
I'm trying to install the current version of COSMOS on Mac OS 10.12.6 using the INSTALL_COSMOS.sh script. Installation fails at two points:
The first point of failure (for unclear reasons) occurs h…
I see that libtommath is "dual licensed" under "Public Domain" and "WTFPL".
"WTFPL" may not be legally viable and "Public Domain" is not a license because it is dependent on the country of the soft…
samcv updated
5 years ago
Waht exactly does `mp_complement` do? The comment says `b = ~a`, so it is supposed to be a `not` function? `not` like in `and`, `or`, `xor`? Has it something to do with the new two's complement functi…
This happens for MasterDuke and for my SourceBaby bot on hack, but not my debian google VM. Camelia also seems to have built the lattest ( https://github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/3272207ae52aa0577fd69…
try to build libtomcrypt on win10-64bit with mingw-gcc:
mingw32-make makefile.mingw
'uname' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'{' is not recog…
With a fresh Arch Linux installation, the benchmark fails with the following error:
ERROR: returned incorrect result: (314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 31415926535897932384626433…
Before running `make` I need to `mkdir /opt/riscv/sysroot/lib64`. It looks like this could be related to https://github.com/michaeljclark/busybear-linux/commit/5427ac14e3f85ceafd38e3c15d92c3f62429e7f7…