There's 3 ops are not supported yet
=========== fc ===========
=========== ctc_align ===========
您好,请问为什么在class lstm1的forward里用hn_o+hn_1作为relu层的输入,而不直接用hn_1或output?
![屏幕截图 2024-08-05 165646](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/14a7b960-cd4c-49b4-a19a-f080641a2833)
Hey, doing the basic step, to LSTM model.
# Returns a compiled model identical to the previous one
onnx_model = onnx.load("stock_price.onnx")
k_model_onnx = onnx_to_keras(onnx_model, 'lstm_inp…
Trying to use this program to get a model for a Japanese font.
I had to get the[ .traineddata files from here manually](https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata) and copy them over from my Windows f…
I would like to build a CRNN (CNN-LSTM-CTC) for handwritten recognition, the output of LSTM is sequences of size 512 x 32 (with 512 time-steps) and the CTC label sequence has the size of 80 (char…
**Link to notebook**
[Click here](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1jWuszK3ukcpocITOXRxygVIEpwgSAENi)
**Steps to reproduce this issue:**
1.`cd /content/E3D-LSTM/src/`
- [ ] Experiment one (standard copy)
With 𝑇 = 500 and 𝑇 = 2000. LSTM (128 hidden units) with biases initialized to 1 and another LSTM (128 hidden units) with chrono initialization.
This is to re…
A princípio, o keras tuner não está conseguindo realizar a otimização dos hiperparâmetros em um computador com 16GB de memória RAM e uma GPU gtx 1660 super.
Currently we are working on converting LMs from TensorFlow to Onnx.
As Onnx does not allow persistent state between session runs, in contrast to TF, we need to manage the LM states explicitly.
For t…