Tag version 2.2.4 is _super_ old, your code references it [here](https://github.com/ox-it/munki-rebrand/blob/e07d6001326756ce9bc36d10c7e43b0244e45a80/munki_rebrand.py#L42-L43). Greg made a change with…
macOS 10.12.1 (Build 16B2659)
Server 5.2 (Build 16S1195)
Last Updated: 01-04-2017
version = '3.0'
maybe this is the right place, maybe the wrong... but.
if you have Xcode installed but didn't accept the license, `xcode-select -p` will return something so this module doesn't do anything. however,…
It would be nice to search for machines by the Munki ClientIdentifier/Manifest. From my research it doesn't look like this is possible without getting into the database.
I have updated yeoman and npm recently. After the update, this.directory('src', 'src') is not working.
Error message:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: toS…
I am attempting to use munki-enroll as per @swy's MacAdmins keynote, but I am running into the issue where it's not creating the manifest for the user at all.
Hey Zack!
Thanks for the dupeGuru recipe! I made a couple more (for the ME and PE versions) at flammable-recipes, thanks to Recipe Robot. :+1:
I'm trying to use your dupeGuru recipe, but am having…
When i create my img for DeployStudio all my dmg (10.11) are deploy in English. How it's possible to change the language to French by default ?
I choose French at the beginning of installation but th…
With schedules enabled (every 24 hrs), AutoPkgr’s Slack notifications appear to only fire when doing a manual ("Run recipes now") run. Slack test notifications work (immediately).
Hadnt seen any (Sla…