There are some broken links that have been identified during the developer workshop where I couldn't find any working equivalent or just don't know what the course of action might be.
Any comments …
Allow mordents on multiple notes in a chord:
When there are two mordents, then place one above and one below.
Link Checker found broken links. The check was triggered by schedule for music-encoding/music-encoding.github.io on branch refs/heads/master with latest commit 60d368a81375b88c3de4cd77821d8eb2e254f41b…
In K 333/02 we find a dotted rest wrapped by a beamed group of notes.
In order…
ndubo updated
3 years ago
In the following example, how should the second barlines between the two parts be aligned:
In other words, the E4 note on the top staff should be split in half for the placement of the barlin…
Here is an example of verse numbers at the start of the music:
**kern **text **text
* *v:1 *v:2
=1 =1 =1
1c a A
=2 =2 =2
1d b B
=3 =3 =3
1e c C
=4 =4 =4
1f d D
= = =
1g e E
Left-hand pizzicatos (for https://polyrhythm.humdrum.org/example/?id=793) is requested in verovio's issues:
With our MP Editor generated files, we noticed that if there is a line break after the opening of the initial tag, Verovio cannot parse the file.
For example, our MP editor generated an MEI file …
## 内容
VOICEVOXのコアライブラリが公開されました。 https://github.com/Hiroshiba/voicevox_core
# Author
**Name**: n132(Xiang Mei)
**Mail**: [xm2146@nyu.edu](mailto:xm2146@nyu.edu)
**Time**: 4:09 PM 27/07/2021 (GMT+8)
# **Comments:**
It's a well-designed challenge and there is not…