The process will halt for quite a long time during consecutive image upscaling.
waifu2x-caffe-cui --tta 0 --gpu 0 --batch_size 1 --crop_size 128 --output_depth 64 --output_quality …
Possible avenues:
- more aggressive data augmentation
- more careful selection of the balance across all …
`python scripts/image_sample.py --model_path /path/to/model.pt $MODEL_FLAGS $DIFFUSION_FLAGS`
How come when I run this combination the sampled images are just static noises? I get that the mode…
Hi everybody,
I try to train the gan with the training code included in the directory. Every time I try to run it returns the following error:
> usage: train_gan.py [-h] [--model_id MODEL_ID] [--s…
The DRAW example seems to use an old Keras API. I tried to update it (I was planning a PR), but I was unable to understand how the code below works:
``` python
model = Graph()
hello, when i run until KSampler, there is a error, do you know how to deal with it? thank you!
So far all the algorithms assume the objective functions have zero noise.
This, of course, does not reflect many real world problems.
A method of introducing a level of noise to the models should be…
Error occur when running final version of code.
``` bash
python 5_convolutional_net.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "5_convolutional_net.py", line 78, in
I have done over 300+ trainings now (renting gpus) of different training parameters from both kohya and ai toolkit.
I get good to decent results now on both.
I believe if you implement these ko…
When using the Gaussian noise model to run LISA inference, a time stamp difference showed in PE results if set `ref_frame = SSB` (in both injection and inference configs) instead of `ref_frame = LISA`…