One of the dependencies (`json-stringify-safe`) throws an error when generating our schema. The error is:
Start generating files for custom schema: /project/json-schemas/schemas/schema.ts
# bundle-analyzer, gzip으로 Next.js 최적화하기 - hyesungoh
현실 다이어트는 매번 실패하니, 서비스 다이어트라도 해보자
Sollten wir nicht den Prod build nutzen wir in der Dokumentation erwähnt? `yarn build-prod`
I am trying to figure out how to use the RequireJs optimizer that seems to be built into Play with Webjars. Does it work? I notice that if I run this sample app in production mode, it is still makin…
# 🐛 bug report
I'm not sure if this is exactly a bug, but I would consider one.
Running this command `parcel build {myFile} --out-file bundle.js --target node --bundle-node-modules --no-source-…
# Bug report
I have encountered a bug while trying to split code into multiple bundles, while preventing
duplication of said code. In other words, I want to create a "main" bundle…
Currently, there are a few areas where workflows can be optimized to reduce CI times, maintenance, and security in the runners. Also, consider adding tools like @dependabot that can keep the dependenc…
According to the spec, if the object passed to `Array.from` has an iterator method with a `Symbol.iterator` key, then that should be used before checking for a length property to see if the object is …
Prepacking this, with *--instantRender* (to trigger realm.arrayNestedOptimizedFunctionsEnabled, which is not otherwise directly exposed via the CLI)...
function f(a) {
return Array.from(a).…
The generated js files can be pretty huge .. investigate what's contributing to that size and see if there are any optimizations to be made.