See documentation for how they work. Basically, if a piece lands on the first
space of a slide that is not its color, it slides to the end of the slide,
bumping any pawns that were sitting on th…
There is a probability that officers will stuck while attempting to wedge/unwedge the door. When officer attempts to wedge/unwedge the door they start to spin. Player has to reorder(sometimes several …
- Allow use as an Input
- Allow multiple pawns to use the Port Simultaneously
- Allow access of items in the Archival Storage Unit
## Simultaneous Input Output Usage `_IO`
This is a Combinatio…
这里的90应该是 < 而不是
Slot is a place on a board, player area or any other game element, which defines kindes of game elements that can be placed at. Possible usecases:
* the board has spots where a pawn/token or a stack o…
lhaze updated
7 years ago
### Assurance
I have read the `README.md`
### Summary
Few Suggestions for Potential Non WL/Job locked activities for Cayo
**Sand Sifting**
Sand Sifter - Item sold at Mega Mall
Walk up to pla…
I've just gotten into using ArkInventory and love the complete customization I have control over, and the wiki has been incredibly helpful so far; however, I've found not al…
From Steam comments:
Would it be possible to add compatibility for https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2881104575 . In dependently both mods work just fine. but when they are tog…
Hi, thanks for awesome mod. May I ask you to add features like making autovent out from gold (for rooms of my pawns), plassteel and so on? And make them paintable. I use mod https://steamcommunity.com…