When using [PuppetDB](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-puppetdb) and this module, the following dependency is needed:
``` puppet
Exec['puppet_server_config-generate_ca_cert'] -> Package['pupp…
Puppet Board v 0.0.5
Filtering in "Facts" and "Inventory" tabs works fine.
I have just committed 8c4448168bb9 to fix a parsing problem with the `snapshot` command. I have now this error:
pdbquery -l puppetdb.sandbox.srv.cirb.lan:8080 -t remote snapshot ~/testdb.yaml
I configured apt-dater-manager using the following description:
node 'puppet' {
class { 'apt_dater': role => 'manager', manager_ssh_key => template('site/apt-dater.priv.key'); }
We currently make a new connection for each db query :snail:
I'm quite sure we could speed up things by reusing existent connection.
We should see how to do this with the puppetdb class.
Great to see this module :)
I'd love a flag to use a non-ssl integration with PuppetDB. I'm not sure I'll have any time soon to send a PR for this, but would love to see it!
First installation attempt not completely successful.
Conflict with user creation (see #1475) and service start:
Aug 30 08:22:16 db9 systemd[1]: Starting mysql...
Aug 30 08:22:16 db9 system…
I upgraded from version 0.1.9 directly to 0.1.14. since that I have the following error on the puppetmaster:
> Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Info: Loading facts
> Error: Co…
I am setting the **PUPPETDB_SSL_VERYIFY** via Hiera like so:
``` yaml
puppetboard::puppetdb_ssl_verify: '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem'
However this is being ignored for some reason I can't q…
Hey all,
I've tried following the mod_wsgi instructions, but I was not able to get this working!
## In the browser I see this:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or…
ghost updated
8 years ago