### Prerrequisitos
(Marcar colocando una X entre los corchetes los ítems que ya hiciste, así: "[X]")
* [x ] Leí las reglas del foro (https://github.com/IIC2233/Syllabus/wiki/8.-Reglas-del-foro…
how to run ipython pls
I have error for several tries
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.973]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
E:\WINPYTHON_N1\WPy64-3741>ipython notebo…
I was testing the newly added option "generate_load_profiles_parallel", that according to your comments should be faster.
But I'm experiencing tenfold computational times, and double RAM use, compare…
##### System information (version)
- OpenCV => : 3.1.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04
- Compiler => n/a (Python, installation of OpenCV3 into Anaconda via menpo)
##### Detailed descri…
We should consider to add some extra JupyterLab extensions. For instance, the ones necessary to display Bokeh or Plotly plots.
_Originally posted by @ccordoba12 in https://github.com/spyder-ide/spy…
When I add an Iframe into a VS Code Jupyter markdown cell, it renders correctly.
However, as soon as I hover the mouse over this iframe and try to scroll up and down, the notebook does not scroll any…
**Describe the bug**
I am using myst-nb to include in sphinx C++ notebooks written on top of [cling](https://github.com/jupyter-xeus/xeus-cling).
The issue is that C++ pragmas beginning with ``#…
### Submitter Name
Reece Hart
### Submitter Affiliation
### Submitter Github Handle
### Additional Submitter Details
_No response_
### Which event day would the project be offered?…
reece updated
2 years ago
I'm looking to see if there is a more standard, "canonical", way to create a kernel when creating a conda environment. It seems to be a few answers that abound, but no standard. This would really help…
I know that it's possible to set `jupytext_fmt` to convert the .ipynb to a given format, either, `py`, `jl`, `md`, etc. But I use both Julia and Python Jupyter Notebooks in my work. Is it possible to …