Crearlos para modularizar el manejo de los distintos endpoints a travez de estos.
↳ Endpoints:
- Trabajadores (todos/filtrados).
- Trabajador (Perfil).
↳ Manejar ruta GET.
Error handling, do not throw the server up!
### Discussed in https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/discussions/1199
Originally posted by **Fecony** May 10, 2023
React routing usually has some mechanism to group routes under path or to use l…
Currently all the dashboard routes are publicly accessible. When no user is signed in no data is available, but these routes should be protected if not signed in.
You're missing some components such as
- [ ] VideosIndex
- [ ] VideoIndexItem
- [ ] Missing route for a video show page
- [ ] Missing a GenreIndex and GenreIndewItems as well
* Go more in-depth a…
- [x] Contains the following sections: HTML, API Endpoints(Backend)
- [x] Each route has a description
- [x] API Endpoint routes contains wildcard variables written in snake_case
- [x] Routes does …
Following the instructions at [gridsome i18n plugin documentation](https://gridsome.org/plugins/gridsome-plugin-i18n), I'm currently experiencing a very weird behaviour. I have my i18n plugin configur…
Add authorization to the creating routes everywhere.