### Bug description
assume the first qmd-file shown below, and render it to html by executing the following command in a shell launched within the qmd-file's working directory:
**Date accepted:** 2024-04-08
Submitting Author Name: Kristof Haneca
Submitting Author Github Handle: @hanecakr
Other Package Authors Github handles: (comma separated, delete if none)
Currently it just has a bunch of Shiny UI, which would probably make sense to keep most of it, but we should put greater emphasis on bslib's components:
Adding a dark mode or other themes to bigdash would be a significant enhancement. The way I have seen this done is to have the theme be a css class at the overall page level, like whatever the most ou…
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but I'm unable to make changes to the _variables.scss using the css parameter in the yaml of my rmarkdown file.
**test.Rmd file:**
We should make sure that the real-time themer works well with rmarkdown. It would be good if we could just add `runtime: shiny` and `bs_themer()` on the page, and then have it return something that us…
I have been facing an issue with `.Rmd` blog posts in my `blogdown` [website](https://kartrick.rbind.io/) using the Hugo Apero theme. There is some discordance between the outputs of `.md` and `.Rmd` …
In discussion with @schloerke at the issue below it seems we tripped over a bug in shiny-for-python. Although this is just one example, I expect it would also impact things like restoring state after …
Can you make it possible to load a local Bootstrap theme?
As far as I can see it's not possible with `bs_theme(...)` at the moment. However, `bootswatch_themes(..)` seems to be hinting at this bein…
shinyWidgets::pickerInput seems to not be compatible with bslib, please try out the example and different themes (especially default and colorful). Even for default bootstrap 5 the shinyWidgets::picke…