`7z x` didn't work well?. so duckdb.dll was not found. and got error....
cp duckdb.dll C:/Windows/System[3](https://github.com/suketa/ruby-duckdb/runs/5155603401?check_suite_focus=true#step:6:…
It seems beta34 and later conflict with sbt-web-scalajs-bundler 0.20.0.
I get this error:
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last update for the full output
[error] (update) found vers…
According to the [GH Actions Guide](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/guides/caching-dependencies-to-speed-up-workflows) caching is supported on GitHub Enterprise Server. However…
### How are you running Renovate?
WhiteSource Renovate hosted app on github.com
### If you're self-hosting Renovate, tell us what version of Renovate you run.
_No response_
### Please sele…
The idea is to add some endpoint that for given library and member coordinates:
case class Library(
org: String,
lib: String,
version: String
case class DRI(
location: Strin…
Como é o funcionamento das opções em CDN nos Ajustes?
Eu implementei uma regra de "Policy-Based-Routing" no meu pfSense para que quando IPs da Globo fossem acessadas os pacotes IPs eram enviados pa…
Now a day buiding gama is heavily dependent on the eclipse platform. As a consequence
it is hard to embed gama in a third party application. The most widely used dependency
/ build system in the j…
## Issue Description
Hi everyone.
I am trying to use sonar-scanner to import a SpotBugs.xml output file from a manually SpotBugs run of a Scala only project to SonarQube.
This website contains…
BPO | [14532](https://bugs.python.org/issue14532)
--- | :---
Nosy | @loewis, @ncoghlan, @pitrou, @vstinner, @bitdancer, @hynek
Files | [hmac-time-independent-v1.patch](https://bugs.python.org/file2518…
### Versions used
Akka version: `akka-grpc` version 2.1.0
### Expected Behavior
Akka gRPC should provide valid responses when a gRPC-web endpoint is hit.
### Actual Behavior
Akka g…