This should be a curated list of related packages, especially to statistics and econometrics topics that statsmodels does not (yet) provide.
(not complete adding links as found, not sorted and orga…
It seems like `Optimizer.get_weights()` is being removed. SciKeras was using it to serialize optimizer weights since SavedModel silently fails to do so (see https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/is…
Olá @tolandwehr
Estou trabalhando em um projeto parecido.
Você poderia me enviar o código funcionando com este erro resolvido?
Link: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/14564
#### Description
Function `reconstruct_from_patches_2d` is getting the right answer!!!
#### Steps/Code to Reproduce
from time import time
import numpy as np
from skl…
Scikit-learn provides a `kneighbors_graph` feature that performs a `kneighbors` and returns a Sparse CSR matrix. This is being implemented in https://github.com/rapidsai/cuml/pull/2461 b…
Full description to be provided.
Relevant URLs:
- [Topic analysis](https://monkeylearn.com/topic-analysis/)
- [Topic modeling with Scikit Learn](https://medium.com/mlreview/topic-modeling-with-…
Dear All,
For multi-class classifiers, we do not know what probability value will maximize the accuracy or F1 score. Or any metric for which you need to trade-off between FP and FN. So we wrote a s…
In `setup.py` there should be a comma after `"anndata>=0.7.5"`, otherwise `pip` will ignore the `anndata` and `scikit-learn` dependencies.
install_requires = [
#### Description
There is a test that MDS does not create an error when performing parallel processing (`n_jobs > 1`)
when max_samples = 0.632 there's an error in remove_outliers of model :
X, y = Model.remove_outlier…