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# Text highlight on native webviews (iOS & Android) cannot be removed through client side JavaScript Code…
### 相关平台
**小程序基础库: 2.32.2**
**使用框架: Vue 3**
### 复现步骤
引用nutui vue3 组件 编译报错 Error: chunk common [mini-css-extract-plugin] ,调整文件引用顺序这方法就不可用,组件在每个页面引用顺序都不同,除了不用组件可以,试个多个方法不行,[http…
Hi, I 'ported' mui css to AMP:
1. Using Sass, I just comment out imports I don't use to get less than
I'm using **gijgo** from _npm_
importing this way, after jquery imports:
import 'modules/gijgo/js/gijgo.min';
import 'modules/gijgo/js/messages/messages.pt-br.min';
import 'modules/gijgo/c…
i downgraded to version 4.2.2.
and this happen when upload.
I am currently trying to migrate Vuetify v2 to v3, which included changes from overriding variables globally to overriding in `@use 'vuetify' with ()`. In v2, we can use multiple @import files to impo…
We want to:
- ensure govuk-react (CSSinJS) provides the same features as [govuk-frontend](https://github.com/alphagov/govuk-frontend) (CSS Modules) but with React specific components/templates
- r…
When running tests on our build servers on random runs, seemingly, no tests run and karma exits with the message:
> Disconnected (1 times), because no message in 10000 ms.
So far I've only been able…
### Build tool
### Where do you see the problem?
- [X] In the browser
- [ ] In the terminal
### Describe the bug
I'm seeing these errors while in development (`npm run dev`):
- [x] I have searched for similar features requests in both open and closed tickets and cannot find a duplicate.
- [x] The feature is still missing in the latest stable version of Elementor ( Element…