**Describe the bug**
**To Reproduce**
**Expected behavior**
**Additional context**
Using master (12/04/2021) + bypassing tensor_requirements to be 2.4.1+ on ubuntu 20.04 = successful data visualization on data reader example using semantic KITTI dataset.
After downloading the KI…
`(tfenv) D:\DeepLearnning\Code\RubbishSort\garbage_classify-master>python run.py --mode=eval --eval_pb_path=./model_snapshots/model --test_data_url=./datasets/garbage_classify/tr
ain_data --num_class…
I encountered this issue when trying to run the code with Mac OS 10.15.1:
python ngcn_trainer.py --adj_pows=0,1,2,3 --retrain --l2reg=1e-3 --dataset_name=ind.cora --learn_rate=1 --early_stop…
This is the environment where I ran Horovod Docker image:
1. Framework: /
2. Framework version: /
3. Horovod version: /
4. MPI version: 4.0.1
5. CUDA version: V10.0.130
6. NCCL…
The main goal is to stabilize KerasCV's integration with Keras 3. The list of outstanding items listed below needs to be adresses to make KerasCV feature complete with Keras 3 is listed below. Please …
when i train my own datasets,it's occured that 'Error reported to Coordinator'
, All bounding box coordinates must be in [0.0, 1.0]: -0.00275482098
[[Node: ssd_preprocessing_train/distorted_boundi…
**System information**.
- **Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in Keras)**: Yes
- **OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 16.04)**: Linu…
### Description
hello everyone,
I'm a newbie with t2t and tensorflow. I tried to use t2t to run transformer_moe model in 2 machines ,but failed. Each one has only one gpu. Hope you guys could help…
I am using the `spark-tensorflow-distributor` package to run TensorFlow jobs on our Spark-on-YARN 3-node-cluster. We are running another cluster, with the exact same specs, but with native T…