I love `ponysay`!
And I enjoy code I love to be checked by a Continuous Integration service like Travis CI.
If you also think this is a good idea, I volunteer to add a `.travis.yml` to check t…
Configure .travis and add the badge.
does this need to be a public repo first?
For continuous integration
- sampleのコースでgreedyプレイヤー同士を対戦したときのログのdiff取り
- game.log (boost::property_tree::ptreeで比較)…
Set up Travis-CI. Update tests to run against the Datastore Emulator. Use LocalDatastoreHelper for this purpose.
Having a CI build and a basic integration test (casper?) would help us identify breaking builds.
In the future with more advanced integration tests we can identify other broken things as well
I …
Configuration failed because Magick++ was not found. Try installing:
- deb: 'libmagick++-dev' (Debian, Ubuntu)
- rpm: 'ImageMagick-c++-devel' (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL)
- csw: 'imagemagick_dev'…
Sadly, here is the link: