**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
I just ran into a problem when Vanna.ai tried to make a pretty big request to answer a single question:
Extracted SQL: SELECT …
Gaket updated
2 months ago
The prison guards spawn with compass map and radio at the beginning when they normally don't in the other versions of the mission. IDK if this is only implemented on tanoa with the non CSAT guards but…
Sau khi cài mudim 0.8 r153. Chạy trên Firefox thì rất tốt, nhưng bị
khi chạy trên IE7 với dialog thông báo:
"Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://www.myna.vn/.
Is it possible to set VN to read only sender's name (without full message body) when receiving SMS through Hangouts or messaging application? If not, please add this enhancement.
Ngày nay, với tiến bộ của khoa học kỹ thuật, công nghệ vân tay đang được ứng dụng rộng rãi trong rất nhiều lĩnh vực của cuộc sống. **[Khóa cửa vân tay](http://kingbel.vn/khoa-cua-van-tay.hml)** ra đời…
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In #71 some slightly messy code is used to get instantaneous east and north (i.e. geographic rotated) velocities into ```profiles_interp.F```. The code creates variables named ```m_UE``` and ```m_VN``…
> [smoove] 2022/04/27 15:54:53 starting with version 0.2.8
> panic: sam: duplicate program name: line 3430: "@PG\tID:SAMBLASTER\tVN:0.1.24\tCL:samblaster -i dummy.cram.readsorted.sam -o dummy.cram.sa…
Hiện chưa có thư viện Arduino nên chỉ dùng Cp2102 để test. Xem Note.txt
[[Hshop.vn] DFRobot TF-Luna LiDA_8m.zip](https://github.com/devshop2019/Arduino_Hshop/files/7194520/Hshop.vn.DFRobot.TF-Luna.Li…
The Envoy versioning scheme is vN, vNalpha, v(N+1), v(N+1)alpha. We should avoid irregularities like `v2alpha1` which exist today via a presubmit.
htuch updated
4 years ago