I'm about to set aside the work on FreehandRasterGeoreferencer for a few weeks, or possibly, months so I wanted to document the issues I've been trying to characterize, but didn't get far en…
Type: Performance Issue
En repetidas ocasiones tengo la necesidad de reiniciar la compilación de dart para mis archivos ya que las segurencias no aparecen, no reconoce el código ni las clases que es…
MacOS 11.1 update broke Fork's exec environment.
`echo $PATH` in pre-commit hook displays different outputs in Fork & terminals.
VSCode becomes a blank window
not sure of the exact cause, so I'm attaching the entire log here:
I think this is because the plugin does not appear to be compatible with eslint 9?
Error: Could not warm up worker. Formatting a file for the first time may take longer than usual.
Message: I…
The examples [ublox.ino](https://github.com/SlashDevin/NeoGPS/blob/master/examples/ublox/ublox.ino) and [PUBX.ino](https://github.com/SlashDevin/NeoGPS/blob/master/examples/PUBX/PUBX.ino) both fail to…
packadd vim-jetpack
call jetpack#begin()
Jetpack 'tani/vim-jetpack', {'opt': 1} "bootstrap
Jetpack 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'release' }
Jetpack 'EdenEast/nightfox.nvim'
### OS
### Operating System version
Windows 11 (but within the provided docker image for blink)
### Visual Studio Code version
### ESP-IDF version
### Python version
Steps to reproduce
I'm reproducing this using pylint, as that's how I encountered the issue, and I found that the issue originates in astroid.
Create the following test script: (test.py)
I want to add some new commands that should make discovering and installing new Editor Commands or modules with them easier. One of the easiest ways we could do this is by writing wrappers around Find…