One of the main advantages of OpenTripPlanner and its Android client is that it allows the user to manage your own mobility, adapting to their own context. In this regard it would be interesting to th…
Mark II devkit - R6, usb-drive, network connected
core version 0.2.7
installed the latest (afaict) from the installer script
The sleep screen, visible when the machine is in idle mode, can display graphics/info/data. Depending on your use of your DE1, it might be appropriate with different information on this screen.
Dear @Bastelschlumpf , is there any chance to fix the code?
Unfortunately it cannot be compiled, there are multiple issues.
Thank you in advance.
The [following line](https://github.com/vrchat-community/examples-image-loading/blob/main/Assets/_Project/Frame/SlideshowFrame.cs#L60)
`_loadedIndex = (int)(Networking.GetServerTimeInMilliseconds()…
This content "WeatherNow is a weather application that displays the weather of any city.
© Roy™" on About Us page should be as a footer at the bottom with full width and dark background like in the h…
I have wrote my own minimal package for insert icons as an exercise. I used it with `spaceline`.
With icons wider than a regular character in the mode-line, the content is shifted to the right beca…
- [x] index.html search bar
- [x] index.html search bar needs text that reads "search by keyword" (or something along those lines)
- [x] index.html div for headline
- [x] index.html div for descri…
- [X] I updated to the latest version available
- [X] I cleared the cache of my browser
- [X] I read the [FAQ](https://github.com/pkissling/clock-weather-card#faq) and the issue I'm …