I get confused at this point can someone tell me how to get to root. ive tried CD: rkdeveloptool i get an error.
2 go into root of rkdeveloptool
4.autoreconf -i
Modern C++ Challenge problem 43の問題を解いていたところ、下記のリンクエラーとなった。
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/problem43.dir/The-Modern-Cpp-Challenge/libs/date/src/tz.cpp.o: in function `date::curl_global()':
If one configures master with both --with-cuda and --enable-mca-dso configure options one gets unresolved symbols errors swhen opal_wrapper is being linked:
CCLD opal_wrapper
### Xmake 版本
### 操作系统版本和架构
Windows 10 19045.3208
### 描述问题
使用xmake f -p mingw 无法编译第三方库, cmake报错
### 期待的结果
### 工程配置
add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.rel…
|Wazuh version|Component|Install type|Install method|Platform|
| 4.4.0 | Wazuh agent | Agent | msi | Windows |
## Description
This issue is related to manual testing [#…
Prvá časť katalógu požiadaviek - Jozef Kolek
Druhá časť dokumentu - Michal Uhrin
Tretia časť : Funkčné požiadavky - Terézia Strišovská
Tretia časť : Zbytok - Roman Božik
### System information
### What is the problem that this feature solves?
packaging onnx for linux distributions require finding a set of packages that will work. With the recent (well fairly…
So did some research on this yesterday and this is what I came up with:
> Breaking elliptic curves requires (pdf, see 6.2) roughly 6n qubits where n is the order or key size of the curve, which for…
@glcraft Can you please help? I just ran list-to-tree on this attached file and it generated a big regex that I tweaked and put in the tmLanguage file under "command".
"match": "(a(?:l(?:ias…
Richiesta inviata da Patrick Rossini :
Ciao Marco
Per conto di Q dobbiamo eseguire delle misure diametrali su 200 ferule 1.25 mm sul Las…