We currently use the preinstalled NDK to get around this.
An install currently returns the following error.
Appears to be due to removed Java EE libraries in later versions of Java.
Steps on…
So idk if it is an Anki issue or a Python script issue.
When I export the cards and add them to Anki I get **date created "1970"**.
![Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 11 43 03 AM](https://user-images.gith…
On latest, ATTS v1.27 and Anki 2.1.35.
I have the following cloze field on the frontside, with settings selected to only play what's visible:
公司 [...] 大。
When reaching this card I consistently …
###### Reproduction Steps
1. Use dynamic module import via `import()` in WebView of reviewer
###### Expected Result
You get a promise with a resolved module.
###### Actual Result
Access …
@OfficialEsco @jedieaston @ItzLevvie Can you all please suggest some packages which are shipped through GitHub releases so that I can them in packages.json?
I get the following error in the GUI when attempting to add an Obsidian .md file to Anki. I am attaching the .md file to this issue.
Attempting to connect to Anki...
Loading co…
I am a premed student hoping to use Obsidian as my primary study/knowledge management tool. When I stumbled upon your obsidian_to_anki script I thought it was a fantastic idea, but I have no p…
Hello, I'm getting this error message :
`Uncaught peg$SyntaxError {message: "Expected " ", "*", "0-1", "0:1", "1-0", "1/2-1/2",…], [a-h], end of input, or integer but "[" found.", expected: Array(…
###### Reproduction Steps
1. Ankidroid未自带JQuery.js,PC端Anki中有自带JQuery.js
2. Ankidroid中无法手动引入外部js文件,使用如下语法无效:
3. Ankidroid只能使用最最原生的js语法,想实现想要的页面效果或功能非常麻烦,希望能手动引入外部js文件实现
###### Expected Result
I've encountered two separate (not currently provided by nixpkgs) python packages that are built with [maturin](https://github.com/PyO3/maturin) in the last week - [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjs…