Enhancement request: When using brass rivets for via’s, the top (front) side needs extra passes so that the head of the rivet doesn’t touch copper which might be part of a polygon segment or ratsnest.…
SCT is written in Python, and so it has a [`setup.py`](https://github.com/spinalcordtoolbox/spinalcordtoolbox/blob/master/setup.py) file to install the [`spinalcordtoolbox`](https://github.com/spinalc…
## Issue Description ##
Hello everyone. I want, using [documentation](https://docs.srsran.com/en/latest/usermanuals/source/srsue/source/index.html), to connect srsUE to srsENB and open5gs. Before tha…
Reader : Markdown
Writer : LaTeX
Current version : Pandoc 1.11.1
Pandoc lacks the possibility of inserting tables with vertical lines.
I've been tweaking the generated tex from a markdown grid such a…
hi @mkartashev,
i have managed to run android-studio on top of `jbr21` branch (by editing `~/.config/Google/AndroidStudioPreview2023.1/options/other.xml` and pointing `installDir` of `installed-jdk…
Is there a page where you show all the emoji so I can decide which to use? That would be useful.
I went and updated my lombok to 1.14.0 yesterday afternoon. I noticed fairly
quickly that my Eclipse slowed down considerably when making changes to files.
Researching it a bit further this morn…
_Migrated from Google Code (issue 682)_
Hello Daniel,
I am a customer of you ANT+ Weight Scale app and I am happy to see that you made it open source.
I noticed that you unpublished the app 2022 from playstore but updated it after th…
- typescript 每个版本新特性 - Google 搜索 [https://www.google.com.hk/search?q=typescript+%E6%AF%8F%E4%B8%AA%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E6%96%B0%E7%89%B9%E6%80%A7&newwindow=1&safe=strict&ei=7Cz3X9biA-jD3LUPs-iluAo&start…