Postez la description de votre application, celle qui sera dans Google Play. Attention : Ceci doit etre tres bien ecrit, nous permettre de comprendre ce que fait votre app, et SANS fautes d orthograph…
## What does your team need support for? Check all that apply.
- [x] Launching one or more new unauthenticated (static) VA.gov pages
- [ ] Making revisions to one or more existing unauthenticated (s…
The latest (beta) of Stepmania is not supported by macOS Catalina, the latest version of macOS that came out this week.
What's the expectation for making the two work together nicely?
In time for each country at 10 p.m., Google Trent Keyword Report will be published with this issue comment.
- Korea
- France
- Swiss
- UK (United Kingdom)
- US (United States of America)
At Trinity College Dublin, Ireland we've been carrying out a security/privacy analysis of contact tracing apps in Europe. Based on our measurements it seems that the version of Protego Safe on Google…
As the Tech Lead, so that I know there is a problem with the Court's outgoing email service, the SES Health Check should reflect an unhealthy status when a total failure occurs attempting to perform a…
I have an extremely long search [query](https://api.openalex.org/works?page=1&filter=title_and_abstract.search:%22Agriculture+reform%22+OR+%22ocean+reform%22+OR+%22energy+reform%22+OR+%22decarbonizati…
rkrug updated
5 months ago
**Describe the bug**
What to keep button not working correctly
The button disappears as soon as the cards appear !
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Happens every time before …
`dyld: Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_HKElectrocardiogramQuery
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/943403A9-5FAB-401D-B053-3DA33B6223C0/Runner.app/Frameworks/HealthKitRepor…
I *think* there's a general consensus that we shouldn't have all that unhealthy food around in the office. Especially since the new person started buying things instead of @mvglasenapp , there's gummy…