This looks awesome! We have been trying to do this via shell scripts and I think we will try to put this in our UI to connect and pair and such. I will play with it in the near term and see how far I/…
I'd like to hear suggestions how to implement lossy optimizations:
- [pngquant](http://pngquant.org) can reduce PNG file size by 70%, but sometimes quality degradation is noticeable, and those files e…
1. Given a dataset of images, we need to represent them using the bag of SIFT representation. This involves clustering SIFT descriptors into a visual word vocabulary, counting the frequency of descrip…
I just discover Shoutem i by the look of it is just awesome and just what i was looking for UI. however, when i installed it, i haven't been able to make it work correctly.
i started a ne…
Output of `awesome --version`:
awesome v4.0 (Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger)
• Compiled against Lua 5.3.3 (running with Lua 5.3)
• D-Bus support: ✔
• execinfo support: ✔
• RandR 1.5…
As many files contains almost the same data, I would like to know if files are sources or generated, like if js/svg are generated from other files or if css is generated from less/sass for exam…
I am seeing the following error when importing service dialogs in cfme 5.10 / CloudForms 4.7:
rake aborted!
ServiceDialogImportExport::ParsedNonDialogYamlError: ServiceDialogImportExport::Parse…
TODO: sort the paths below to their endpoints and POST/GET details
api.bitclout path root:
This is a really well written module. I modified it to work with s3fs. But I think we could make the both work side by side with an additional parameter. Would you be interested in a pull request i…
I see that you already have a ticket offering JUnit/XML ( #16 ) and another
suggesting TAP ( #8 ). Neither of those formats collects all of the data that
I need. I suggest a generalized plugin…