Hi, been using your library successfully on a Mega (thankyou) but I'm now migrating to a GIGA and would like to use Wire1 rather than Wire. I notice other mpu6050 libs have the interface as an argumen…
idk what i did wrong but when i go on the website everything's there except the choices :/
Taylor Swift songs Favorite Picker
body {
First of all, you did a great job with this App. Secondly, Animated emotes don't work properly on the app. They can't be added to a sticker pack.
### Prerequisites
- [X] I have carried out troubleshooting steps and I believe I have found a bug.
- [ ] I have searched for similar bugs in both open and closed issues and cannot find a duplicate.
### note from sbt team
This issue is now solved using [cached resolution](http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Cached-Resolution.html) feature.
``` scala
updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withCons…
jwebb updated
4 months ago
i get this error when i run my code.
/opt/arduino-1.8.19/arduino-builder -dump-prefs -logger=machine -hardware /opt/arduino-1.8.19/hardware -hardware /home/raspberry/.arduino15/packages -tools /opt/…
Dear Marco,
I was glad I found your repo to use the PetWalk Control info for Home Assistant.
Unfortunately, I was not able to get it running. Neither HACS nor HA AddOn Store accept your github rep…
It may be that I'm doing something wrong, but just in case:
I define this DSL and interpreter to `Id`:
object Http {
type Parameters = Map[String, List[String]]
type ErrorMessage = String
Make interpreters for java2d, OpenGL and vulkan. And add helper methods to interpret and run with runUnsafeSync. Game loop is Synchronous anyway