Under Transformer-SSL/data/build.py, inside the "build_transform" function, under "byol" augmentation type, the interpolation method used in RandomResizedCrop is the default which is BILINEAR, however…
How to implement [keras.utils.Sequence ](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/keras/utils/Sequence) in GapCV. The idea is to use it as image generator for `fit_generate` in keras and have the…
train as
python train.py --use_tb_logger --data_augmentation --max_iter 250 --loss_l1 --name train_masa_rec
but the best PSNR of CUFED only 27.31
499/500 [============================>.] - ETA: 10s - loss: 12.0817 - rpn_class_loss: 0.0832 - rpn_bbox_loss: 1.8053 - mrcnn_class_loss: 0.0936 - mrcnn_bbox_loss: 0.6976 - mrcnn_mask_loss: 0.4940 - ro…
Have you tried the probabilistic mimic sequences proposed in https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.13.444008v4 as data augmentation?
I noticed that while augmenting multi-variate time series data, augmented data is concatenated on 0 axes, instead of being added to a new axis ie third axis.
Let suppose data shape is `(18,1000)`, a…
Data augmentation:
- [ ] Random Resized Crop
- [x] Horizontal Flip
- [ ] Random Augment (see [code](https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu/blob/master/models/official/efficientnet/autoaugment.py#L672)…
- [x] Allow loading of (offline available) different datasets
- [ ] Allow for different metadata to be loaded related to these datasets
- [x] Allow for getting all data at once for any regression to…
[/content/Mask_RCNN/mrcnn/model.py](https://localhost:8080/#) in train(self, train_dataset, val_dataset, learning_rate, epochs, layers, augmentation, custom_callbacks, no_augmentation_sources)
[/content/Mask_RCNN/mrcnn/model.py](https://localhost:8080/#) in train(self, train_dataset, val_dataset, learning_rate, epochs, layers, augmentation, custom_callbacks, no_augmentation_sources)