Tagme does not run on GERBIL, i don't know if you have been informed that the url of their web service has been changed as well as the key to run it.
My last attempt at smushing the subjects for :SubjectiveEye3D failed, so I am now trying to do it right.
# Summary
Show periodic table.
# Example search queries
- periodic table
- mercury
- helium
- hydrogen
- oxygen
# Implementation (optional)
Find some science libra…
rdf:type of the resource Women's_rights is given as foaf:Person
Analyze information sources and extend the data received with added information according to the ontology.
Now that the mapping wiki has 50 languages (2015-08, some of them machine-generated mappings), it would be very useful to restrict search to some selected languages.
When I search for a property, I'd …
I'm trying to access a blazegraph from chrome with cors disabled using a local copy of LodLive
I'm using the lodlive.profile-localhost-example.js as lodlive.profile with endpoint 'https://da…
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As show in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-3467 and
to configure UTF-8 URL encoding the parameter `url-charset="UTF-8"` has to be added to WildFly. I …