I took the latest source of this posting and created a debian package that runs perfectly with 14.04 Trusty Tahr on my MBA 5,2 (2013).
From https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1048#issuecomment-241235219 it looks like it might be missing / not installing the default config.
We must use this instead of launchpad, and with circleci we can easily create a deb, rpm package and push it !
This way we will have an up to date packages
ChromeOS (Flex) supports installing from .deb, but flatpack and snap are not native to ChromeOS. Thus it seems quite major to release a .deb binary.
The .deb package installs modules (lipsum) for Python 2.6, but Ubuntu 11.04
ships with the default Python 2.7.1.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `st.loeffler` on 21 May 2011 at…
## User story
As the w3af project leader I want Kali users to receive the latest features, almost without human intervention.
## Conditions of satisfaction
- [ ] When a successful `w3af` build is ach…
Application icon shows up incorrectly in the Ubuntu Dock at install time for version 5.4.5 installed from latest .deb package when running under Ubuntu (24.04)
**To Reproduce**
1. Downl…
Distribute Arrow in Debian repo:
Required to publish Arrow R package into CRAN.
**Reporter**: [Javier Luraschi](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-4450) / @javierluraschi
## 问题
## 环境