The package depends on 'libgconf2-4' which has no installation candidate on Ubuntu 19.04. This prevents installing it.
~ » sudo dpkg -i Téléchargements/gtt-taskbar_0.3.10_amd64.deb
Hello and Thank You for your source code !
I have just one little question, how can i build your source code for make an deb package ?
Thanks in advance !
I took the latest source of this posting and created a debian package that runs perfectly with 14.04 Trusty Tahr on my MBA 5,2 (2013).
From https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1048#issuecomment-241235219 it looks like it might be missing / not installing the default config.
We must use this instead of launchpad, and with circleci we can easily create a deb, rpm package and push it !
This way we will have an up to date packages
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
dtkcore | [5.7.3](https://github.com/linuxdeepin/dtkcore/commit/bcb663f73dcc581a5e27f7f944168636a2e2cbea)
dtkgui | [5.7.3](https://github.com/linuxdee…
## Detailed Description
As there are some broken debain repos for different releases (buster bookworn ...) and these repos put everything into there own repos with dist/pool dirs so the deb packages …
- Build and add .deb and .rpm packages (help for Arch or Alpine distros also welcome)
We should definitely do this, but we need help. This requires build procedures for every relevant distro.
- …
ehfd updated
7 months ago
## Hello!
- Vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction
- If you want to implement this feature, comment to let us know (we'll work with you on design, scheduling, etc.)
## Issue details
Please consider making .deb and .rpm packages available for Bazecor releases.
The .deb and .rpm are used on a wide range of distros and use the available libraries, reducing its the memory foo…